Saturday, February 11, 2012

Whanau picnic and games afternoon.

Friday was an awesome day.  We started with our opening school mass.  Our class was very well represented with Anahera, Michaela and Ryan altar serving, and Josh, Laura and Mia reading prayers.  Well done to you all!  You really showed the value of service that we are working on this term.  
It was very exciting to see our school leaders recognised and we look forward to their leadership in so many roles around our school.  We are very lucky to have Sinead for Room 6's Kotuku Whanau leader!  We are also very lucky to have Jack and Jaylah for Room 6 librarians.  It is so exciting to have help returning and issuing books so I have time to spend helping learners pick books that are a good fit!  We will talk about good fit books more this week!

Lunch was a celebration picnic in Whanau groups.  We had to have inside picnics because we had a cool day.  We had a lot of fun together.  
The afternoon was soooo much fun.  Our wonderful senior leaders organised the most amazing fun games for us.  When we walked over to the Rec. it looked like it was set up for toptown (for those of you old enough to remember that).
We had a fantastic time and we can't wait for a chance to finish off the rest of the games - maybe next Friday!

My favourite activities to watch were the water race, with the cup of water on your head, the water balloon throw and catch and the balloon relay! We are so lucky to be a full primary with the Year 7 and 8s leading and organising such a wonderful time for us all.  

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